Thursday, February 18, 2010
Pride and DEATH
Pride is a sin,
That keeps you locked within,
The yes,
the please,
the more,
Pride hits the slamming door!
Keep your head up high,
Pride will not ask why,
Step on those below,
Step on up to the show.
Pride is a sin,
Not just a simple sin,
It takes a mouse,
Not a man,
To make pride
The drive within.
Death is when my loved ones must depart
Death is a sharp pain in my heart
Death is this feeling of permanent sadness and pain
Death is when my loved ones have gone away
Death is the call to heaven or hell
Death is an eternal mansion or cell
Death is the lesson i need to learn about
Death is a loss, without a doubt
Death is this unhappy feeling i have
Death is pleasant on my behalf
Death is the day i end my life
Death is when i give up the fight
Death is happiness to the world around me
Death started when i gained my life
Death can be helped along with this knife
Death is where i shall go
Death is close, i know
Death willl come fast
Death is vast
Death is what i see
Death lives inside of me
Death is joy to me
Death has come for me
Death is gonna take me
Death will stop my misery
Death loves my company
Death ends the pain
Death takes me on that train
Death is near
Death is finally here
Feelings Of Hate updated at

10:57 PM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
You said it wasn't gonna be like it was before but then it happened again. Stop pushing me back out the door. Thought it would be for real this time and would LoVe me about the signs. So now what do I do? Now, that I know that we're through forever.
Wish that I could move on. Can't let go cause it's too strong. Just like that and then you're gone. Is this how YOU wanted it to be??? Everything you had to say will sent the tears right down my face. Now I'm trying to escape the misery...
Why don't you love me the way I loved you?
It feels so crazy cause I dunno what I did to you. If you're gonna hurt me then do it quickly cause I'm tired of cryin'. If you don't wanna stick around then, baby "Forget about ME"
Too late, sorry! I didn't even have the chance. You said you were happy but I don't understand when I gave you everything you asked for and was ready to give you a lot more I would've given you. The world right in the palm of your hand.
Heaven knows that I tried so hard...
Feelings Of Hate updated at

9:13 AM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Mirror, Mirror hanging on the wall,
Tell me what I'm looking for.
Looking tru my eyes and see,
Ouh Mirror I wish you could lie to me.
Last night my cat tapped on my feet.
Freezing me with panic and my spine was chilled.
In darkness, Yet there was light
I felt LOST...
How I feel for you
is so hard not to say
But I have the fear
of chasing you away.
Times we chatted together
I treasured them in my heart
But in denying my feelings
I am just playing a part.
I want to hold back
but find it hard to do
There is something so special
in feelings I had towards you.
I can close my eyes to things
I don't want to see
But I can't close my heart to things
I don't want to feel.
I would rather risk my heart
to the possibility of pain
Than to never feel the joy
of loving again...
Feelings Of Hate updated at

3:40 PM
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Words from the Heart need not speak,
For tounges fit deem to say of it.
See need not Love's eye to sight,
That what you feel need not show explicit.
Thoughts as such no one seems to know,
Less even as to touch your soul.
I beg to differ that it be not the involvement of hands,
That melts what and where your true self beats.
Thou longth for glances candied and delicate lips,
Even memories to warm up and safe keep.
But most of all your beatings forlorn in need,
Is Love and Fairytale ever after to exist?
I'll be saying all these as same I somewhat agree,
That what you dearly on to I can relate honestly.
If kind fate should ever decree favourably,
Too I search what you too want to seek.
Magical if such Love indeed to be,
Doubt I will ever should need,
For such speech, sight, mind and senses sweet,
For Love is the only thing needed transcend all these.
No words said but thoughts the othe knows,
No visions but the others clearly in head that sees.
No tendering touches but still lucidly,
All these irrelevant be we do not need.
Feelings Of Hate updated at

1:07 AM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feelings Of Hate updated at

10:52 PM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This was a snapshot by one of my mates.
Saja je post, nak distress.
Tgh boring brainstorming at work!
Feelings Of Hate updated at

4:48 PM
How to achieve goals?Well, here are the steps for how to achieve goals:
Step 1: You need a SMART Goal
Step 2: You need an Action Plan for your goal
Step 3: You need to TAKE ACTION
Step 4: Review your progress against your goal – regularly!
Step 5: Reward yourself for you successes.
So, first of all you need a fully
developed SMART goal, a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Action-orientated, Reasoned, Realistic, Time-bound, Ethical, Exciting, Enjoyable and Resourced.
Once you have a SMART Goal, you need to take action. Think of your goals as your target destination, so the Action Plan is how you get there!
This is the FIRE part of READY-AIM-FIRE.
okay okay, I'm trying my best.
Hope it works...
Feelings Of Hate updated at

9:44 AM