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Thursday, November 25, 2010

This year, 2010, it started at Orchard Plaza.
A FIGHT involving 20 men broke out at Orchard Plaza at about 4am Friday morning, resulting in the death of one man.

Then, at Pasir Ris.
A student aged 19 was brutally murdered by a group of 10 teenagers armed with choppers at Downtown East, Pasir Ris.

Recently at Bukit Panjang.
A random slashing rampage believed to a group of seven or eight men attacked an 8 years old boy and few teenagers.

Is the streets safe for us to hang around with friends and love ones?

Feelings Of Hate updated at

Skateboard magazine
4:08 PM

Monday, November 22, 2010

After 11 months,
finally I'm back!

Gonna blog more on musics, soft-exposed lomography and streets activities...

Feelings Of Hate updated at

Skateboard magazine
6:08 PM

Monday, March 29, 2010

"DISCRIMINATE ME ALL YOU WANT" I don't fucking care as all you FASCIST will eventually SUFFER !!!

Why must people always look towards our bad moments but never wander our good sides???

We, human can repent and please don't judge the book by its cover.

Piercings and tattoos are just a way of fashion.








Feelings Of Hate updated at

Skateboard magazine
4:03 PM

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The MYAN's belief of

Before we get into detail, let's dismiss two things that won't cause the demise of the planet. Global warming is bad for people who live in low-lying coastal areas and at the edges of deserts, but the truth is that Earth been much warmer throughout most of the past 500 million years, and life did just fine. On the other side of things, a new ice age would end most human habitation of Canada, northern Europe, the northern U.S. and Russia, but the tropics would stay about the same — and there'd be a lot more land to go around in south Florida as sea levels dropped.
Massive asteroid impact: Asteroids and comets crash into our planet all the time, with varying degrees of damage. The last big one was 100 years ago in Siberia, but in such a remote area that no one died. Yet scientists keep finding new evidence of medium-sized impacts that caused at least regional devastation — near New York harbor around 300 B.C., in eastern Canada about 11,000 B.C., the famous Meteor Crater in Arizona 50,000 years ago. Much larger asteroids have been tied to mass die-offs in biological history — the end of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, and the even more devastating Permian-Triassic extinction event 251 million years ago in which some 80 percent of animal species vanished. It would take an asteroid the size of a small planet to really snuff out life on Earth. Something very much like that seems to have happened when an object the size of Mars hit the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago, and the resulting debris formed the moon. Fortunately, there was no life on Earth yet.
Life on Mars, if it ever existed, might not have been so lucky. Most evidence indicates that the Red Planet was warm and wet in the distant past, and there are signs it had a strong magnetic field to shield the surface from solar radiation. But recent studies indicate that Mars' entire northern hemisphere may be a gigantic impact crater, the result of a collision 3.9 billion years ago so huge it may have destroyed the planet's magnetic field. Were that to happen on Earth, the few surface organisms that survived the impact and resulting earthquakes and fires would be fried by solar rays. Massive volcanic eruptions: An alternate theory for the low, flat, featureless Martian northern hemisphere is that huge lava flows simply erased any previous features.
Similarly, there's good evidence that the dinosaurs back on Earth were killed not by an asteroid, but instead, or additionally, by enormous eruptions in what now is India. Even moderate eruptions, which kick up huge amounts of soot and dust, blocking sunlight, can have climatic effects. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines significantly cooled the planet in 1991-92, as did Indonesia's Krakatoa in 1883.
More effective was Mount Tambora on the other end of Java in 1815, which cooled things so much that Europeans called 1816 "the year without a summer" — it snowed in June, and summer frosts killed crops across the Northern Hemisphere. Moving up the scale, the Mount Toba supervolcanic eruption in Sumatra 75,000 years ago may have cooled the planet enough to force the early human population through a genetic "bottleneck" as most people died, leaving the few survivors to repopulate the world. And the Yellowstone supervolcano — that's right, Yellowstone National Park sits atop a massive magma chamber — will probably take out most of the people living between the Rockies and the Appalachians next time it erupts, which could literally be tomorrow. But neither of those would end life on Earth. For that, it would take something along the lines of the long-ago prolonged eruptions that created India's Deccan Traps and the Siberian Traps in Russia. In both instances, giant fissures in the ground simply opened up, oozing lava that spread in every direction for hundreds of miles, releasing huge amounts of deadly gas, smoke and soot into the atmosphere. These events went on for tens of thousands of years.
The Deccan Traps eruptions took place just before the dinosaurs disappeared and formed much of the landmass of the Indian subcontinent. The Siberian lava flows happened 251 million years ago and are the likely cause of the aforementioned Permian-Triassic mass extinction. In the latter case, 3 million square miles were covered by layer upon layer of lava. It doesn't take much extrapolation to conclude that an eruption event two or three times the magnitude of the Siberian one could end life on Earth. Nuclear war: Few people have uttered the phrase "nuclear winter" since the end of the Cold War, but it was a very real fear during the 1980s. The notion was that a full-scale nuclear war between the Soviet Union and United States would kick huge amounts of dust, smoke and soot up into the atmosphere and blot out sunlight for months or even years, causing mass extinctions as most plants died and most animals starved. Life has squeaked by in such instances in the past, but the deadly post-nuclear radioactive particles carried around the world could land a deadly second blow on the surviving organisms. Since the '80s, further research has indicated that the atmospheric soot would also destroy the ozone layer, letting in more extraterrestrial radiation and further cooling the planet. The odds of total nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia seem remote now, and no other nations currently have the thousands of warheads it would take for such a doomsday scenario to occur. But there's always a chance of a full-scale nuclear exchange between future superpowers. Black hole: Bottomless gravitational pits from which not even light can escape were first theorized in the 1960s, but since then they've been "spotted" throughout the universe.
It's now thought that every spiral galaxy, including our own, has a supermassive black hole at its center. Smaller black holes are formed by the collapses of large stars, and can be expected to keep moving in the same orbits around galactic centers as they did before the collapse.
The problem is that we'd no longer be able to see them, and would have to watch the behavior of other astronomical bodies to figure out where they might be lurking. Were a black hole to approach our solar system, we'd begin to notice changes in the light of other stars as it was bent by the black hole's massive gravity. Then the orbits of the larger planets would begin to change as they were pulled toward it. The sun would become elongated, and the Earth's own orbit would shift. Finally the sun, planets and asteroids would go into spiral orbits around the hole and gradually be sucked into it, one by one, like water going down a drain. Thanks to the massive tidal disruptions on Earth, not to mention the lack of reliable sunlight, we'd already be dead. Some think it's also possible that we could create our own black hole right here on Earth. Last year, a flurry of lawsuits accompanied the firing up of the Large Hadron Collider outside Geneva, Switzerland, from people worried it could create a mini-singularity that would gobble up the planet. Fortunately, the machine broke down after a few days. The end of the world will have to be pushed back to next summer at the earliest.
The expanding sun: If all else fails, the Earth will almost certainly come to an end in about 5 billion years when it falls into the expanding sun. It's perfectly natural — stars like ours simply turn into red giants near the end of their lifespans, and their inner planets become toast. Terrestrial inhabitants need not worry, since they'll be boiled off much earlier by the sheer heat of the growing star. Some scenarios say we've got only a billion good years left on this planet — rather gloomy, since life in some form has been around for about 3.7 billion years and this means we're already close to the end. Then again, it's also possible that scientists of an advanced future civilization could simply tow out Earth to a safer orbit, after having presumably rendered Mars and Venus inhabitable as well. That's if they don't manage to accidentally destroy the planet first.

Feelings Of Hate updated at

Skateboard magazine
4:07 PM

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pride and DEATH

Pride is a sin,
That keeps you locked within,

The yes,

the please,

the more,

Pride hits the slamming door!

Keep your head up high,
Pride will not ask why,

Step on those below,
Step on up to the show.

Pride is a sin,
Not just a simple sin,

It takes a mouse,
Not a man,
To make pride
The drive within.

Death is when my loved ones must depart
Death is a sharp pain in my heart
Death is this feeling of permanent sadness and pain
Death is when my loved ones have gone away
Death is the call to heaven or hell
Death is an eternal mansion or cell
Death is the lesson i need to learn about
Death is a loss, without a doubt
Death is this unhappy feeling i have
Death is pleasant on my behalf
Death is the day i end my life
Death is when i give up the fight
Death is happiness to the world around me
Death started when i gained my life
Death can be helped along with this knife
Death is where i shall go
Death is close, i know

Death willl come fast
Death is vast
Death is what i see
Death lives inside of me
Death is joy to me
Death has come for me
Death is gonna take me
Death will stop my misery
Death loves my company
Death ends the pain
Death takes me on that train
Death is near
Death is finally here

Feelings Of Hate updated at

Skateboard magazine
10:57 PM

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You said it wasn't gonna be like it was before but then it happened again. Stop pushing me back out the door. Thought it would be for real this time and would LoVe me about the signs. So now what do I do? Now, that I know that we're through forever.

Wish that I could move on. Can't let go cause it's too strong. Just like that and then you're gone. Is this how YOU wanted it to be??? Everything you had to say will sent the tears right down my face. Now I'm trying to escape the misery...

Why don't you love me the way I loved you?

It feels so crazy cause I dunno what I did to you. If you're gonna hurt me then do it quickly cause I'm tired of cryin'. If you don't wanna stick around then, baby "Forget about ME"

Too late, sorry! I didn't even have the chance. You said you were happy but I don't understand when I gave you everything you asked for and was ready to give you a lot more I would've given you. The world right in the palm of your hand.

Heaven knows that I tried so hard...

Feelings Of Hate updated at

Skateboard magazine
9:13 AM

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mirror, Mirror hanging on the wall,
Tell me what I'm looking for.
Looking tru my eyes and see,
Ouh Mirror I wish you could lie to me.

Last night my cat tapped on my feet.
Freezing me with panic and my spine was chilled.

In darkness, Yet there was light

I felt LOST...

How I feel for you
is so hard not to say
But I have the fear
of chasing you away.

Times we chatted together
I treasured them in my heart
But in denying my feelings
I am just playing a part.

I want to hold back
but find it hard to do
There is something so special
in feelings I had towards you.

I can close my eyes to things
I don't want to see
But I can't close my heart to things
I don't want to feel.

I would rather risk my heart
to the possibility of pain
Than to never feel the joy
of loving again...

Feelings Of Hate updated at

Skateboard magazine
3:40 PM



GOnEz ApEz

Since 8th July 1984


Sex is a three-letter word which needs some old-fashioned four-letter words to convey its full meaning.



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